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Mary Ann (Worth) Lamb

Mary Ann (Worth) Lamb

This is a picture of Mary Ann (Worth) Lamb, my maternal great great grandmother. She was the daughter of Peter Worth and Hannah Rossell, according to Bible records, and the second wife of Nehemiah Lamb. (He had married first, Ann Patterson, by whom he had four children. Ann died 10 October 1854 and was buried in the Quaker Burial Grounds of Springfield, Burlington County, New Jersey.)

Mary Ann must have been a wonderful woman to successfully raise nine children, two of whom died young. She also helped her husband manage the Cookstown Inn or Tavern for a number of years in Burlington County, New Jersey. Her daughter, Laura Ann Lamb, who is also my great grandmother, told stories to my mother about the soldiers stopping at the Inn during the Civil War. I visited what was once this Inn in 1991, and found it to be a grocery store at the time, with only the basement being the original part of the Inn. I'm glad that I have pictures of what it looked like when it truly was an Inn.

Mary Ann, being 31 years younger than Nehemiah, lost him in 1872. She remarried Theodore Huster, who predeceased her, and died in 1888 in New Jersey. I am glad that I have this picture of her, showing her seated at the desk in the Cookstown Tavern/Inn, which was also her home for a number of years. Both she and her husband, Nehemiah, are buried in the Jacobstown Baptist Cemetery in Burlington, County, New Jersey.

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