9e0559bc660a813814c0a5c6263250b1a:26:{s:9:"lbl_apply";s:5:"Apply";s:15:"lbl_apply_patch";s:11:"Apply patch";s:19:"lbl_apply_sql_patch";s:15:"Apply SQL patch";s:19:"lbl_current_version";s:15:"Current version";s:6:"lbl_no";s:2:"No";s:24:"lbl_no_available_patches";s:20:"No available patches";s:6:"lbl_or";s:2:"OR";s:14:"lbl_patch_file";s:10:"Patch file";s:24:"lbl_patch_upgrade_center";s:20:"Patch/Upgrade center";s:13:"lbl_patch_url";s:9:"Patch URL";s:11:"lbl_reverse";s:7:"Reverse";s:15:"lbl_sql_queries";s:14:"SQL query(ies)";s:18:"lbl_target_version";s:14:"Target version";s:11:"lbl_upgrade";s:7:"Upgrade";s:11:"lbl_warning";s:7:"Warning";s:7:"lbl_yes";s:3:"Yes";s:24:"txt_apply_sql_patch_note";s:191:"This section is used to apply SQL patches to the database structure.

Note: It is recommended to backup the database before applying an SQL patch.";s:28:"txt_patch_agreement_chkboxes";s:14:"I confirm that";s:25:"txt_patch_agreement_chk_1";s:44:"This X-Cart installation is not a live store";s:25:"txt_patch_agreement_chk_2";s:64:"I have created backup copies of the store and the store database";s:25:"txt_patch_agreement_chk_3";s:129:"I'm a PHP/MySQL experienced developer and I can resolve technical problems that may appear during and after the automatic upgrade";s:25:"txt_patch_agreement_chk_4";s:120:"I understand and agree that after the automatic upgrade I may be required to manually patch the files customized in past";s:25:"txt_patch_agreement_chk_5";s:124:"I understand and agree that the upgrade may add, change or even remove some features/functions of the current store version ";s:24:"txt_patch_agreement_note";s:194:"Please use this function ONLY if you absolutely understand what you are doing. In most cases it is better to contact Qualiteam Software and let the experienced staff perform the upgrade for you.";s:20:"txt_patch_apply_note";s:302:"This section is used to apply patches (diff files) to the original source files. You also need to be able to change files permissions by request.

Note: selecting 'Yes' in the 'Reverse' selectbox enables you to revert your files to the state they were in before the patch was applied.";s:33:"txt_patch_upgrade_center_top_text";s:443:"This section allows you to upgrade your software to the newest versions. Before using it you should download the upgrade file and unpack it into X-Cart directory. You also need to be able to change file permissions by request.

Note: Please use this function ONLY if you absolutely understand what you are doing. It is recommended to make a backup copy of all .php scripts as well as the database before applying any patches.";}