94c28a06d1f7c529f5ef2ddeda4e8511a:10:{s:24:"lbl_close_webmaster_mode";s:20:"Close Webmaster mode";s:22:"lbl_open_customer_area";s:34:"Open customer area in a new window";s:24:"lbl_start_webmaster_mode";s:20:"Start Webmaster mode";s:11:"lbl_warning";s:7:"Warning";s:18:"lbl_webmaster_mode";s:14:"Webmaster mode";s:23:"txt_no_popup_block_note";s:108:"Please ensure that pop-up windows are enabled in your browser (required for correct work of Webmaster mode).";s:29:"txt_start_webmaster_mode_text";s:50:"To enter in Webmaster mode press the button below.";s:27:"txt_to_close_webmaster_mode";s:46:"To exit Webmaster mode press the button below.";s:23:"txt_webmaster_mode_text";s:1512:"Webmaster mode facilitates the process of changing language variables (denoted as "$lng.XXX" in templates) enabling you to change these values in WYSIWYG mode.
Warning! Webmaster mode will not work with compiled templates.
Go to the page you want to change. Additional "templates" window will appear with the list of all included templates. You can call the template editor from it by clicking on a template. Notice that the browser status line (at the bottom) changes when you move the mouse over the site. Depending on the position of your mouse it indicates (a) the template name and (b) the label name. To change the label, click on it. If the label is under a hyperlink, move your mouse over it (its name appears at the bottom) and press "e" (Edit) on the keyboard. Label dialog will appear. You can (1) preview the site after setting the label, (2) save the text into the database, and (3) copy the label name into the clipboard (IE only).
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