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German Pioneers to Pennsylvania
Passenger Ships' Lists
Includes People from the Palatine

Orange Beads


NOTE: List C is the only list for this ship.

Thanks goes to Chuck Garst, whose ancestor, Johann Nickel Gerst, was aboard this ship. (Information taken from his genealogy files and his family book, (_Our Garst Family In America_, by W.T. Garst 1950). This is the data he has on the ship ISAAC , no original hardcopy on hand. This was converted to data format by a family researcher a few years ago:

The following information was taken from the book entitled "Pennsylvania German Pioneers, A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals In the Port of Philadelphia From 1727 to 1808," By Ralph Beaver Strassburger, LL.D.. Note that many officials were not good or consistent spellers, that many immigrants could not spell their own names, and foreign accents, in some cases, might have been misunderstood.

[List 138 C] At the Court House at Philadelphia, Wednesday, the 27th Sept 1749.
Present: Joshua Maddox, Esquire.
The Foreigners whose Names are underwritten, imported in the Ship Isaac, Capt Robert Mitchell, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes in England, did this day take the Oaths to the Government. From the Palatinate, by List 79. 206 freights.

Heinerich Grob                         Johann Nickel Gerst
Rutolph (+) Haberly                    Jacob (X) Wissman
Hans Hug                               Johan Peter Rit
Johanes Grob                           Johann Nickel Schäffer
Hans Rutolph (X) Fisher                Georg Adam Fischer
Heynry (X) Grub                        Johann Caspar Langenberger
Felix Mägli                            Johannes Jungblud
Peter Becker                           Johann Adam Wolf
Jacob Fliehman                         Henrich Landes
Johan Henrich Grün                     Rutdolf Landes
Andres Linck                           Johannes Miller
Michael (+) Rudelmos                   Mattheus Echternach
Johanes (X) Storm                      Johannes Laudert
Hans ( ) Conrath, sick                 Nicklas ( ) Franger, sick
Ully Kunrath                           Peter Markhart
Hans Kunrad                            Johann Friedterich
Johan Jacob Staucki                    Johan Nicolas Senderling
Hans Jacob Mägli                       Johann Henrich Heynemann
Rudolf Fries                           Johann Görg Schnabel
Heinrich Boshart                       Johann Nickel Stumpf
Albert (X) Shutz                       Johann Daniel Weber
Uhllerik (X) Coppy                     Frantz Hemmele
Johann Friedrich Cremer                Christian (X) Hemmle
Johann Christian Schiller              Heiny Huber
Johan Adam (H) Shreiber                Heinrich Burkhart
Baltus (B) Shreiber                    Jacob Vosseller
Michael Fischer                        Johanes (X) Bauer
Christian Meckel                       Philip (+) Haber
Johann Vallentin Steinbrech            Lorentz ( ) Haffner, sick
Johan Jahbler                          Johann Henrich Beck
Matheas (X) Kehler                     Ludewig (X) Kreps
Leonhart (X) Lasher                    Ludwig Krebs
Conradt Spies                          Gorg Schlosser
Johannes Klippel                       Johann Hennerich Klein
Jurge (X) Fisher                       Johannes Wolff
Andereas (A) Bussart                   Johann Georg Batz
Jacob Klippel                          Herman ( ) Haust, sick
Hans Adam (A) Maurer                   Nicolaus Becker
Johannes Henlein                       Johannes Silvius Schreiner
Wendel (+) Becker

Do check out the Garstweb Genealogy Files Website!

NOTE: If you have found this page via a link from another home page, do visit all the ships' lists on: On the Trail of Our Ancestors.

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