List of passengers on the Francis and Elizabeth, sailing from Rotterdam, but last from Deal, George North, Master, arriving Philadelphia, September 21, 1742
Names of foreigners imported (92 names are missing from this list
that are found on the qualified list below)
Andreas Bachman
Mosi Binder
Conrad Bloss
Stephan Bopenmeier
Johann Michael Bucher
Hans Michael Crafft
Johan Henrick Creesman
Christian Damewald
Hans Michael Doll
Christian Eket
John George Faust
Peter Faust
Jost Fox
Joh. Peter Geckeler
Christof Geiser
Johannes Gerber
Johanes Gnäge
Abraham Groff
Jakob Gut
Jacob Hauck
John Adam Heydrig
Philip Titter Hoober
Hans Jacob Huber
Ludwig Huber
Johanaus Kh[oen]
Bernhart Kobber
Gabriel Köhler
Johann Peter Köhler
Abraham Koleman
Jacob Kurtz
Henrick Miller
Matheus Mosiman
Christian Müller
Jerg Adam Müller
Davith Rotheheffer
Jacob Sarbach
Johann Henrich Schertz
Abraham Schmutz
Melcher Schöner
Carl Philipp Schultz
Jerg Schultz
Johann Michael Seitz
Lodwick Smallshafft
Wilrigh Staely
Marten Stover
Johann Michael Truckenmüller
Johannes Walther
Christian Zug
Johanes Zug
Moritz Zug
Names of passengers qualified at the courthouse in Philadelphia,
PA, September 21, 1742
Andreas Bachman
Conrad Bassel
Johann Henrich Bengel
Hans Jerg Binder
Jacob Binder
Mose Binder
Conrad Bloss
Johan Jacob Bohne
Johanes Bohne
Stephan Bopenmeier
Hans Michel Bouer
Johann Michael Bucher
Henry Cerber
Johan Henry Creesman
Jhan Niclaus Cuntz
Christian Dannewald
Hans Michael Doll
Johan Henrich Dressler
Christian Eckert
Johannes Eckert
Anton Faust
John George Faust
Peter Faust
Hans Michel Fohl
Ludwig Jacob Friedburg
Jost Fuchs
Joh. Peter Geckeler
Jacob Geiger
Christof Geiser
Johannes Gerber
Conrat Gerhart
Nicolaus Gottschalk
Johanes Grob
Abraham Groff
Christian Gürd
Jakob Guth
Uhllerich Halber
Jacob Hauck
Andreas Heintz
Christian Henrich
Thomas Heunmeyr
John Adam Heydrig
Hennerich Hirt
Melcher Hirtzel
Christoph Adam Höbel
Johan Jacob Holbein
Johann Christian Hörner
Hans Jacob Huber
Ludwig Huber
Philip Diter Huber
Johann Fridrich Jollgo
Christian Jotter
Johann Michal Käschster
Friderich Kaufman
Martin Kirschner
Jacob Klein
Hans Adam Klem
Hans Jerg Knödler
Bernhart Kober
Johann Peter Köchlein
Gabriel Köhler
Johann Peter Köhler
Michel Kolb
Abraham Kolman
Johannes Koohn
Mich. Koppelger
Hans Michael Krafft
Jacob Kurtz
Peter Laaber
Peter Lam
Jonas Metzger
Fredri Meyer
Christian Miller
Henry Miller
Mattheus Mosiman
Christian Müller
Jorg Adam Müller
Marti Myer
Matthäus Wend Nagel
Ullrich Neuschwanger
Christian Newcomer
Christian Newcomer, Junior
Hanns Nicl Nort
Johan Henrich Odt
Johannes Odt
Johannes Pedter Odt
Adam Odt, Junior
Johan Henrich Ohl
Conrad Ott
Adam Ott, Senior
Johann Mattheis Plantz
Michel Plätscher
Johanes Qnäg
Johannes Reusswig
John Godfried Rieger
Niclaus Röhrig
Davits Rotheheffer
Peter Rubel
Willhelm Ruff
Christian Rügner
Leonhardt Michael Rügner
Hans George Ruthy
Jacob Sarbach
Johannes Schäfer
Jacob Schenck
Johann Henrich Schertz
Christoph Fruht Schmitt
Abraham Schmutz
Melcher Schöner
Carl Philipp Schultz
Jerg Schultz
Johann Geörg Schüssler
Adam Seibert
Johann Michael Seitz
Hans Georg Shenk
Philip Shleyhouff
Ludwig Shmaltzhaft
Johan Henrich Stall
Uhllerich Ställy
Johann Adam Stam
Johann Henrch Ster
Martin Stouver
Michael Thesser
Johann Michell Truckenmüller
Paulus Vater
Johan Jörg Veith
Johann Michel Waidele
Nicklaus Walder
Johann Peter Waller
Andreas Waltaich
Johannes Walther
Johannes Weber
Rudoff Vallen Weitler
Johann Wielhem Werth
Samuel Wholgemuth
Johanns Withman
Johann Henrich Wolff
Christian Yoder
Jacob Yoder
Christian Zug
Johannes Zug
Moritz Zug
Source - "Pennsylvania German Pioneers, A Publication
of the Original Lists of Arrivals In the Port of Philadelphia"
by Ralph Beaver Strassburger, Edited by William John Hinke, Volume
I, Pages 327 - 330, Published by Genealogical Publishing Company
NOTE: As per Strassburger and Hinke, it is important to see the above passengers in the original passenger list order. If you wish to know how these people were arranged on the original list, please contact me by e-mail for this purpose.
NOTE: If you have found this page via a link from another home page, do visit all the ships' lists on: On the Trail of Our Ancestors.
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