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German Pioneers to Pennsylvania
Passenger Ships' Lists

Orange Beads


NOTE: List C is the only list for this ship.


[List 146 C] At the Courthouse at Philadelphia, Saturday, 11th August 1750. Present: Thomas Lawrence, Esqr., Mayor.

The Foreigners whose Names are underwritten, imported in the ship Patience, Capt. Hugh Steel, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes in England, did this day take & subscribe the usual Qualifications. 124 by List. 266 Freights.

Hans Peter Treger                    Johann Jakop Opfertuch
Jacob Heckendorn                     Jacob (N) Jacoby
Stephan Bek                          Adam Jacobi
Hans Peter Groff                     Petter Jacobi
Hans Jacob (X) Groffe                Matheis Jacobi
Peter (O) Groff                      Johan Peter Fitz
Henrich Lutz                         Jacob Bürckard
Johannes Petter Klein                Johan David Junge
Johann Nickel Müller                 Michael (+) Junge
Johann Nickel Cuntz                  Peter (+) Junge
Christoff (X) Bener                  Jacob (+) Conrath
Johann Wilhelm Fuchs                 Jacob (+) Conrath, Junior
Andras Müller                        Johan Henrich Leineweber
Georg Schenck                        Daniell Miller
Jacob Reichert                       Nicklas Mühleysen
Joh. Conradt Wölffe                  Wilhelm Diederich
Christian Ulrich Lentz               Hans Jerg Sing
Daniel Werner                        Johann Conrat Bross
Johannes (X) Halm                    Johannes Baumgärtner
Christoph Ketteman                   Heinrich Reinhardt
Johann Georg Ketteman                Hans Jerg Nagel
Peter Wieland                        Johanes (XX) Roller
Johann Jacob Rappoldt                Christoff (XXX) Fritz
Friederich Waltzer                   Georg Friederich Haug
Georg Friedrich Groh                 Jacob Lendel [?]
Johan Gerg Bader                     Henrich George
Hans Michel Melber                   Johannes David Görges
J. Michel Leidich                    Christian Meier
Johann George Borner                 Matheas (A) Oberkirsh
Jacob (X) Shwob                      Nicklas (A) Conrad
George (+) Loadig                    Jacob Deremot
George Adam Eckart                   Aberham Reiland**
George Adam Eckardt                  Andereas (O) Rost
Johann Christoff Kuntz               Paulus Reylandt
Johann Peter Wohner                  Johannes Eischly
Johan Wilhelm Wann                   Dewald (W) Gerst
Johan Arnolt Reinhart                Freiderich (W) Gerst
Johannes Nickel Hennig               Davit (X) Smith
Johannes Peter Hennig                Peter (H) Poland
Balthasar Vetterman                  Stephen (H) Poland
Johan Peder Schutz                   Peter Foltz
Johannes Adam Lauch [?]              Jacob (+) Dobeler
Johann Jacob Weirich                 Johann Andreas Mühlschlägel
Johann Nickel Bross                  Johan Adam (+) Satson
Johann Michael (O) Conrad            Hans (X) Hawffman
Johann Nickel Herber                 Johann Philipp Ost
Johan Jacob Lurber                   Johan Maties Gerge
Jeorg Haman                          Christian (X) Shmith
Johannes Peter Diederich             Philips Hierber
Johan Nickel Jung                    Jacob (X) Kullenthal
Conradt Velten                       Michel Juncker
Phielib Jacob Maurer                 Johanes (X) Palm
Johann Fridrich Pfeil                Fritrich Henny
Hanes Jerg Eslinger                  Johann Reihle
Jacob Muhleysen                      Johan Michel Lieb
Casper Greiter                       Joh. Alberth Velten
David Stadelmayer                    Jacob Dannckher
Bartlyme Bentziger                   Johannes Essewein
Johann Adam Setzer                   Johan Adam Wentzell
Johann Abraham Stiehl                Joh. David Limbeck
Carel (+) Vollante                   Johann Jacob Müller
Anton Devittus

NOTE: Aberham REILAND was incorrectly transcribed as REILAND. It should read Aberham ROLAND as per his signature which I checked from this list. Abraham ROLAND is my husband's immigrant ROLAND ancestor and is the father of Johan Jacob Rohland. Abraham was a weaver from Lambsborn, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, who settled in Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. Abraham's signature compares favorably with his signature on a 1774 original deed (as found in the Lebanon County Historical Society). Abraham was christened
Johann Abraham Roland at the German Reformed Church in Lambsborn, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, on 10 July 1720, the son of Johann Ulrich and Anna Maria Magdalena ROLAND. He married Maria Eva BOLLINGER circa 1753, Maria being the daughter of Christian BOLLINGER and Susanna BECHLER. Christian came to America on The Virtuous Grace.

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