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German Pioneers to Pennsylvania
Passenger Ships' Lists
Orange Beads

NOTE: List C is the only list for this ship.

[List 159 C] At the Courthouse at Philadelphia, Saturday, the 3rd November, 1750.

Present: The Worshipful William Plumsted, Esquire, Mayor. Mr. David Martin, Rector of the Academy

The Foreigners whose Names are subscribed, imported in the Ship Brotherhood, Captain John Thomson, from Rotterdam & last from Cowes, did this day take & subscribe the usual Qualifications. By List 119. Persons 300.

Conrat (L) Laubsher                  Peter (X) Sicher
Johan Jacob Laubsher                 Johann Nicolaus Meck
Johannes Schäffer                    Matthas Brückert 
Johan Nicolaus Schäffer              Pierre Paris
Simon Minch                          Isaac Paris
Teobalt Weylland                     Isaac Jung
Johann Elias Willjahr                Michael ( ) Shwing, on board
Johan Adam (H) Heyl                  Samuel (X) Shwing
Georg Friedrich Bayer                Johannes Schock
Matheis Haffner                      Petter Hähn
Johanna Peter Binckli                Jacob ( ) Frey, on board
Johann Jacob Maag                    Michael Fritz
Hs. Georg Schaufler                  Johannis (+) Albrecht
Jacob (X) Stark                      John Jost (+) Shwalb
Jacob (X) Sicher                     Johann Jacob Wolckener
Johannes Knauss                      Christian Blaich
Peter Rotenburger                    Hans (X) Konig
Johan Henrich Küblinger              Henrich Schwartz
Johan Christoffel He[mbel]           Hans (X) Zorr
Nicolaus Bonn                        Joseph (X) Meyer
Johannes (X) Bonn                    Andres Holly
Nicklas (X) Weisman                  Michel Holly
Michael (X) Weisman                  Christian Kauffman
Paul Jomel                           Beder Dielebach
Sebastian Käppler                    Peter (X) Fisher
Christian Däublin                    Johannes Rohrer
Wilhelm Krum                         Johann Anthon Eckell
Hans Zinser                          Johann Philipp Eckel
Philieb Leister                      Johann Jacob Lösch
Nicklas (X) Leyster                  Johann Adam Stöhr
Johanes Lehman                       Jülch Feillein [?]
Peter Basler                         Michael (X) Wurm
Joseb Basler                         Johannes Schneider
Jacob Basler                         Christian (X) Neucomer
Johannes Basler                      Johann Jorg Beck
Jacob Schwalder                      Ludwig ( ) Fetzer, on board
Jacob Schowalter                     Wilhelm (X) Werner
Hannes Schowalter                    Hans (XX) Gundelfinger
Joseph Schowalter                    Peter (X) Knabe
Christian Schowalter                 Hans Blauch
Peter Schowalter                     Jacob Naftziger
Henry (X) Stegel                     Christian (X) Knebel
Peter Lugenbiehl                     Hans Knebel
Simon (X) Wishan                     Michael (X) Stuky
Petter Farne                         Hans Jost Hertzer
Joseph Fahrne                        Johannes Hertzler
Christian Bidmer                     Hans (+) Hertzel
Johanes (X) Rub                      Hans (X) Seegerist
Christian (X) Rub                    Johan Jost Weigandt
Jacob Bürckh                         Georg Daniel Orth
Jacob (O) Lichty                     Jacob Berg
Johannes Holby                       Andres Berg
[Nicola]us Mihller                   Melchior Geissert
Johannes Nast                        Jacob Mösinger
Christian (X) Furrer                 Christgan Nauman
Peter (X) Stuky                      Jerg Rebschleger
Nickolaus Schmidt                    Hanns Funck
Jacob (X) Reis                       Martin Funck
Jeorg Weiss                          Paul (+) Roth
Jacob Graf                           Jacob Hauser
Jacob Graf (not an error)            Johannes Hauser
Jacob Behr                           Johann Georg Bauer

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