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German Pioneers to Pennsylvania
Passenger Ships' Lists
Includes People from the Palatine
Orange Beads

[List 12 A] Ship Alexander and Anne, William Clymer, Master. September 5, 1730

NB. The qualifications of the Palatines imported in the ship Alexander & Anne, William Clymer, Master, are on a Paper apart, I being at N. York with our Governor when that vessel arrived. R. Charles.

Antony Miller                        Adam Fillipott
Daniel Cristman                      Hans Lensenns
Johan Frederick Lanseness            Bernhard Myler
Johannes Herler                      Hans Michel Burger
Johan Adam Atler                     Jacob Myler
Martin Muller                        Martin Burger
Johan Peter Wuller                   Hans Jacob Oberholts
Frans Plum                           Johan Fredrick Waller
Jacob Miller                         Henrick Marte
Martin Creiner                       George Michl. Brinsins
Waldes Langhaer                      Johan Philip Curnert
Martin Yonger                        Leopold Hilligas
Michael Blesser                      Henrick Clemer
Peter Tilman                         Johannes Cleyner
Adam Shuler                          Mathias Seltzer
Johannes Vitner                      Hans Jerich Ham
David Sussoltz                       Johan Nicol Brecher
Michael Harkman                      Johanes Woldman
Rudolph Mastersundts                 Christian Princeland
Conrad Yongman                       Johan Sebastian Graft
Fredrick Meyer                       Hans Michael Verdus
Charles Kallar                       Hans Bartel Hemberger
Hans Ulrich Crinston                 Johan Carl Hornberger

"At the Courthouse of Philadelphia, September 5th, 1730.... A list was presented of the Names of Forty six Palatines, who with their families, making in all about one hundred and thirty persons, were imported here in the Ship Alexander & Ann, William Clymer, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Deal." From the Minutes of the Provincial Council, printed in the Colonial Records, Vol. III, p. 386.

[List 12 B] [Palatines imported in the Ship Alexander & Anne, William Clymer, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Deal. Qualified September 5, 1730]

Anthony Miller                       Marthin Müller
Daniel (X) Christman                 Johan Peter Walber
Adam (O) Hillipott                   Frantz Blum
Hantz Lansiscus                      Jacob Müller
Johan Henrich Lansiscus              Martin (M) Creiner
Johans Herbel                        Baltes Lanckhaer
Johann Adam Stadler                  Martin Jerger
Michel Belsch[er]                    Johan Henrich Weber
Peter (O) Edelmann                   Henerich (H) Marte
Adam Schuler                         Jerg Michel Brenneisen
Johannes Widner                      Johann Philipp Emmert
David Süsholtz                       Leopold Hilligas
Michel Ackermann                     Henerich (HK) Clemer
Rudolff Messerschmidt                Johan Andres Klemmer
Conrad Stamm                         Mattheus Seltzer
Friedrich Meyer                      Hans Gerg Ham [?]
Carl Keller                          Johann Michael Beyerle
Hans Veltin Brenneisen               Johannes Volckmann
Eberhardt Meyer                      Christof Steinlein
Hans Michel Bürger                   Johann Sebastian Graff
Jacob Meyer                          Hans Michel (X) Wiedner
Martin Bucher                        Hans Bardel Horrnberger
Hans Jacob (H) Overholtz             John Carl Hornberger

[List 12 C] We do swear or solemnly declare, that we deny all obedience to the Pope of Rome; and further swear or solemnly declare that no Prince or Person whatsoever hath any Right or Title to the Crown of Great Britain but his Majesty George the Second and his lawful Issue.

Anthony Miller                       David Süssholtz
Daniel (X) Christman                 Meichel Ackermann
Adam (O) Hilpott                     Rudolff Messerschmidt
Hantz Lansiscus                      Conrad Stamm
Johan Henrich Lansiscus              Friedrich Meyer
Johans Herbel                        Carl Keller
Johan Adam Stadler                   Hans Veltin Brenneisen
Martin Müller                        Eberhardt Meyer
Johan Peter Walber                   Hans Michel Bürger
Frantz Blum                          Jacob Meyer
Jacob Müller                         Martin Bucher
Martin (M) Creiner                   Hans Jacob (H) Overholtz
Balser Lankhaer                      Johan Henrich Weber
Martin Jarger                        Hennrich (H) Marte
Michel Belscher                      Jerg Michel Brenneisen
Piter (O) Edelman                    Johann Philipp Emmert
Adam Schuler                         Leopold Hilligas
Johannes Widner                      Heinrich (HK) Clemer
Johannes Andres Klemmer              Christoff Steinlein [?]
Mattheus Seltzer                     Johann Sebastian Graff
Hans Geor. Ham [?]                   Hans Michel (X) Widner
Johann Michael Beyerle               Hans Bardel Hornberger
Johannes Volckmann                   Johan Carl Hornberger

September 5, 1730. The Persons whose names are above written took & subscribed the Qualification by Law directed before His Majestys Justices of the Peace for the City & County of Philadelphia.

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