NOTE: Since the baptismal and marriage records for the Ponds Reformed Dutch Church in Oakland, Bergen County, NJ have been destroyed, any cemetery list involving this church is most beneficial. The following was a list done around 1909 and explains why some of the people in the cemetery do not have death dates. They were still living at the time of the transcription. My thanks goes to Ruth Romaine, historian of the Ponds Church, for supplying me with this list.
Originally copied May 1909 by John Neafie and Wm. B. Van Alstyne.
1. Rachel Maria, dau. of John H. and Rachel Speer, d. 13 Nov. 1834 age 3-11-12 2. Peter Row d. 8 June 1835 aged 11-8-10 3. Helmagh Garrison d. 1 Sept. 1849 aged 77.6.23 (b. 1772) 4. Stone containing probably letters Yly EA 1761 5. Stone P.G. 1750 6. Garret Garretson died 4 Oct. 1780 in 59th year. (b. 1721) 7. Abraham Garrison d. 20 Feb. 1802, ae. 50-1-15 (b. 1752) 8. Adaline, dau of Abraham and Leah Garrison d. 8 June 1841 ae. 14- 10-22 9. Adaline, wife of Garret Garrison d. 3 Oct. 1851 ae 70-1-10 (b. 1780) 10. Aaron Garrison d. 16 Aug. 1844 ae 87-7-22 (b. 1757) 11. Mary his wife d. 9 Sept. 1825 ae 65-6-22 12. Anthony Bartrim son of John and Mary Post, d. 12 Apr. 1842 ae 24-7-20 13. John S. Demarest d. 12 July 1846 ae 22 yr. 24 days 14. Margaret wife of Abraham Demarest, d. 20 March 1851, ae 43-2-2 15. Eleanor wife of Abraham H. Garrison d. 24 Jan. 1845 ae 81-8-22 (b. 1764) 16. Abraham H. Garrison d. 21 Jan. 1845 ae 86-4-24 (b. 1759) 17. Matia, wid. of Henry Garrison d. Aug. 1813 in 87th year. (b. 1726) 18. On same stone as #17 is: Eleanor, dau of Samuel Demarest and Maria Garrison b. 10 Aug. 1809 died 30 June 1833 ae 23-10-20 19. Samuel Demarest d. 13 July 1837 aged 59-4-4 (b. 1778) 20. Mariah Garrison his wife d. 19 March 1850 ae 66-10-2 (b. 1774) 21. John P. Storm d. 23 Apr. 1883 ae 73-7-21 22. Elizabeth Dada his wife d. 24 Nov. 1880 ae 73-7-21 23. Robert B. Broass b. 13 Sept. 1855 d. 21 Feb. 1892 24. Robbie next stone 25. H. W. Edwards Co. C. 13th NJ. Inf. (Flag) 26. John Marshall 5th N.J. Light Battery d. 5 Jan. 1891 27. John Z. Goetschius d. Dec. 30, 1884 in 76 year 28. Sarah M. his wife d. 28 Feb. 1901 ae 76 yrs. 29. Willie, son of Samuel and Maria Brooks d. 10 Dec. 1879 ae 5-4- 24 30. John P. Ramsey d. 21 June 1883 ae 71-8-11 31. On same monument as #30: Eliza Garrison his wife d. 5 Jan. 1884 ae 70 ys 11 ds 32. P.H. Post Co. E. 74th NY Inf. 33. Francis Price Jr. Co. H. 2 Reg. NJ Vol. Reenlistment 7 Reg NJ Vol. Inf. died 14 Feb. 1898 34. Moses Edwards b. 19 Aug. 1801 d. 10 July 1880 35. Martilda Bostedo his wife b. 27 Nov. 1801 d. 3 May 1855 36. J. W. Edwards Co. B. 22 NJ Inf. 37. Abram Ryerson d. 21 March 1899 ae 84 yr. 4 mo. 38. Catharine Smith his wife d. 20 Aug. 1891 ae 74- 5 mo. 39. Eliza C. Herring wife of Jacob Christie d. 12 April 18-3 (stone broken) ae 28-11-7 40. John Herring d. 10 Aug. 1878 ae 58-1-7 41. Hannah Smith his wife d. 14 Oct. 1892 ae 62 yr. 42. Garret Garrison d. 28 June 1859 ae 74-8-11 (b. 1775) 43. Elizabeth Hopper his wife d. 6 Jan. 1880 ae 92-1-12 44. Peter Garrison d 10 Dec. 1855 ae 31-9-11 45. Mary Ann wife of Aaron G. Garrison d. 16 Aug 1883 ae 68 yr. 46. S.J.M.P. small stone 47. John D. Acker d. 19 June 1830 ae 49-2-5 48. Levia dau of Maria Acker d. 7 Sept. 1852 ae 9-10-24 49. Catharine Acker d. 13 Dec. 1856 ae 82-1-21 (b. 1774) 50. Maria Acker d. Jan. 1882 ae 70-8-16 51. Jennie Bogert d. 22 Oct. 1828 ae 3 yr. 52. Jacob J. Fox b. 16 Oct. 1828 d. 3 Feb. 1891 53. Sarah his wife d. 18 Feb. 1860 ae 26-7-27 54. Edith dau of Jacob J. and Ellen J. Fox d. 21 May 1873 ae 2-9 mo. 55. James H. Fox b. 8 Jan. 1869 d. 17 March 1898 56. William H. Sindle d. 16 Feb. 1894 ae 67-11-12 57. Maria his wife living (when this was transcribed) 58. John P. Smith d. Feb. 8, 1881 ae 72-5-8 59. Ann Bush his wife d. 27 July 1872 ae 65-9-22 (the above four names are on a stone marked Sindle and Smith.) 60. Johnnie d. March 8, 1872 ae 2-7-8 61. Martha dau of James and Caroline Sanders d. 8 July 1848 ae 2 ds. 62. James Sanders d. 19 Feb. 1879 ae 60-6-24 63. John W. Ackerman b. 5 Oct. 1834 (living when this was transcribed) 64. Catharine A. his wife b. 5 Nov. 1839 d. 17 June 1870 65. William A. Ackerman b. 5 Jan. 1814 d. July 24 1895 66. Charity his wife b. 12 Jan. 1815 d. 3 Feb. 1899 67. Stephen J. Fox d. 24 Oct. 1889 ae 64-10- 5 68. Mary E. Van Buskirk his wife d. 12 Jan. 1887 ae 61-11-4 69. Cornelius son of S.J. and M.E. Fox d. 1 Dec. 1865 ae 13-4-6 70. Elizabeth Fox d. 2 March 1876 in 77th year. 71. Mary Eliza dau of Abram and Agnes Forshay d. 22 Apr. 1875 ae 6- 5 ds. 72. Rachel Van Houten b. 26 May 1801 d. 9 Nov. 1868 73. Martin Ryerson b. 7 Aug. 1826 d. 30 March 1892 74. Mary A. C. Ryerson his wife b. 28 Jan. 1838 d. 20 Jan. 1904 75. Katie b. 9 June 1870 d. March 15, 1875 child of Martin & Mary A. Ryerson. 76. Mary b. 17 Jan. 1872 d. 19 March 1875 child of Martin & Mary A. Ryerson. 77. Emma b. 5 Oct. 1864 d. 23 March 1875 child of Martin & Mary A. Ryerson. 78. Elizabeth Ofelia died 22 Feb. 1859 ae 4 yr. 22 ds. 79. Martin Van Houten d. 14 Sept. 1845 in 77th year. (b. 1769) 80. Elizabeth his wife d. 26 June 1854 in 74-2-12 (b. 1780) 81. Deborah Ann Winter d. 17 Nov. 1862 in 18th year. 82. Liza Jane wife of Henry B. Winter d. 20 Sept. 1868 in 55th yr. (This is the only place where her name appears as "Liza Jane". In all other records, she is "Jane" and is the daughter of John A. Post and Hannah Ackerman.) 83. Henry B. Winter** (see below) (living when this was transcribed) This is my great great great grandfather. He died 15 March 1896 and was born circa 1810. (I am not sure why he does not appear on the original list with a death date, as he died before 1909, the date of the list) 84. Kate, dau Peter Garrison and Rebecca Beam d. 19 Apr. 1861 ae 36 yr. 85. Peter Garrison d. 25 May 1867 ae 88 yr. (b. 1779) 2 large stones face fallen down, too heavy to lift) 86. Mary Beam wife of Peter A. Garrison d. 11 Dec. 1852 ae 64-3-19 (b. 1778) 87. Harry W. Redgate 1880-1904 88. Footstones marked M.G. 89. Footstones marked P.A.P. 90. Footstones marked R. G. 91. Our Lu 1870-1905 92. Vernon P. Shultis 1873 93. Hattie Merrion 1874 94. Abraham Hopper b. 11 Jan. 1806 d. 14 June 1881 95. Susanna Bartholf his wife b. 24 Feb. 1809 d. 22 May 1894 96. Peter J. Fredericks 1843-1901 97. William 1875-1908 98. Krientje Kievit wife of John A. Goodman b. 5 July 1844 d. 21 Oct. 1903 99. Jas. Julius Nelson b. 10 Jan. 1862 d. 23 March 1896 100. Herman H. Rottman 1850-1904 101. Richard son of James and Ellen Van Blarcom b. 25. Oct. 1881 d. 12 Sept. 1901 102. Jacob A. Terhune 1840 103. Mary L. Bush his wife 1848-1906 104. Sylvester Post 1850-1907 (Father, Mother, Ida, Charles R. Post Sloat Monument) 105. William H. Shuart 1865-1904 106. Abby A. wife of David C. Bush 1829-1866 107. Frances H. Tingley, wife of Peter E. Demarest d. Dec. 11, 1887 ae. 30- 10 mo. 108. Henry Bertholf b. Feb. 14, 1782 d. Dec. 16, 1865 ae 83-10-2 109. Elizabeth his wife and dau. of Abram and Maria Garrison d. Oct. 15, 1835 ae. 49 yrs. 110. Mary wife of Abraham Garrison d. June 10, 1787 in her 21st yr. (b. 1766) 111. Guilliam R. son of Henry and Elizabeth Bertholf b. July 21, 1823 d. Nov. 13, 1850 ae. 27-3-23 112. Peter S. Demarest b. Oct. 10, 1802 d. June 16, 1859 113. Sarah Myers his wife b. March 2, 1808 d. Oct. 13, 1892 114. Rachel M.L. dau of Peter and Sarah Demarest d. March 28, 1845 ae. 1-9-25 115. Catherine Demarest wife of Charles Craft d. Jan. 4, 1840 ae 25-5-21 116. Jacob Ackerman Demarest d. Sept. 23, 1883 ae. 23 yr. 117. Eve Garrison wife of John Ryerson d. Dec. 21, 1879 in the 71 yr. 118. Jacob G. Ryerson d. Nov. 24, 1869 aged 43 years. 119. Charles D. son of Abraham and Eliza Van Tassel d. Jan. 7, 1859 ae. 3-3-7 ds. 120. Cornelius Vanderhoof d. March 8, 1788 aged 28-5-24 ds. (B. 1760) Note by transcriber: He was the miller at Van Aulen's. 121. Anthony Bartrim d. July 5, 1838 aged 72-9-17 ds. 122. Hester Ryerson his wife d. Nov. 2, 1813 aged 47-10-18 ds. (B. 1766) 123. John Bartrim d. March 19, 1874 in 75th year. 124. John I/J. Post d. May 12, 1866 in 70th year. (b. 1796) 125. Mary Bartrim his wife b. Nov. 6, 1796 d. June 17, 1871. 126. Zachariah K. Post son of John D.? and Mary Post b. Aug. 22, 1817 in 50th yr. 127. Anthony Bartirm son of John and Mary Post died April 12, 1842 128. John Bogert d. July 11, 1813 aged 21 years 11 months (b. 1792) 129. Anny wife of John Bogert d. May 10, 1812 age 22-1-15 (b. 1790) 130. Stephen son of John Bogert d. April 9, 1811 age 14 days 131. Stephen Bogert d. July 16, 1804 age 38-1-18 (b. 1774) 132. James C. Demarest b. 1824 d. 19- 133. Hester A. wife of James C. Demarest b. 1823 died 1906 134. Christiana dau of James G. and Hester Demarest d. Nov. 27, 1858 ae. 4-5-5 ds. 135. Olie, d. March 17, 1868 in 3rd yr. Child of Uriah V.R. and Catherine P. Van Winkle 136. James Post child of above parents d. Feb. 1856 ae 1-2-12 ds. (James Post Van Winkel) 137. Catherine Post wife of Uriah V.R. Van Winkle d. June 23, 1873 age 41 yr. 138. John Post b. 1852 d. 1905 139. Cornelia J. his wife b. 1851 140. John Post b. May 10, 1821 died April 23, 1890 141. Mary his wife b. Nov. 6, 1823 d. Jan. 12, 1899 142. Rachel A. Post b. July 17, 1842 d. March 22, 1848 143. Garret M. Post b. 1838 d. 1905 144. John F. Post b. Feb. 24, 1857 d. 1936 145. Sarah Jane Mead wife of James Post b. July 10, 1833 d. 11-13- 1862 146. Henry M. Post b. March 4. 1859 d. 1933 147. James Post b. June 17, 1819 d. July 25, 1902 148. Adaline Eckhart his wife b. June 18, 1837 d. 1925 149. William E. Post b. June 4, 1870 150. Martin Van Houten b. Oct. 15, 1798 d. Oct. 26, 1844 151. Hesta Van Houten b. Sept. 26, 1805 d. Aug. 30, 1886 152. Wilson Van Houten b. Sept. 28, 1878 d. Nov. 19, 1900 153. Minnie Van Houten b. Feb. 22, 1882 d. April 25, 1884 154. Martin Van Houten b. May 16, 1827 155. Mary E. his wife b. Oct. 25, 1856 d. Nov. 23, 1884 156. Jacob H. Speer d. Nov. 12, 1867 ae 44-1-20 157. John H. d. July 25, 1825, ae 21-2-25 child of Jacob and Catherine M. Speer 158. Mary d. Nov. 1, 1859 child of Jacob and Catherine M. Speer, was 10-4-1 159. Henry I/J. Speer d. March 25, 1882 ae 86-6-7 160. Ann Zabriskie his wife d. May 3, 1876 ae. 77-10-2 ds. 161. Charity dau of Henry and Ann Speer d. May 16, 1872 ae 16-6-8 162. David H. Speer, b. Dec. 22, 1846 d. May 10, 1898 163. Catherine E. Winter his wife b. April 16, 1843 d. Dec. 21, 1898 164. John Speer b. April 3, 1817 d. March 7, 1890 165. Rachel Christie his wife b. Dec. 12, 1816 d. Oct. 18, 1896 166. Daniel A. Hopper b. May 12, 1838 167. Eliza Jane his wife b. Nov. 10, 1837 d. Dec. 18, 1895 (This was Eliza Jane Winter, dau of Henry B. Winter and Jane Post.) 168. Stephen S. Fox b. Jan. 31, 1862 169. Lizzie E. Fox b. Oct. 12, 1862 d. Sept. 25, 1901 170. Jennie Fox b. Sept. 26, 1890 d. April 24, 1895 171. Garrit Hopper b. Jan. 7, 1865 d. Aug. 21, 1865 172. Johnny Hopper b. Aug. 13, 1875 d. July 25, 1876 173. Albert D. Bogert b. 1833 d. 1893 174. Max Lelbmann husband of Aline Melairy b. Feb. 19, 1858 died Oct. 6, 1899 175. Martin Everett Co. B. 124th NJ Inf. 176. Lena Hetzel wife of Wm. H. Montanya b. March 15, 1845 d. Feb. 18, 1891 177. Mary J. wife of Thomas Marshall b. 1827 d. 1900 73 yrs. 178. Barbara, wife of George Bender b. Sept. 26, 1847 d. April 25, 189-?- 179. John H. Voorhis d. Feb. 22, 1905 b. Jan. 3, 1853 180. J. Lester Shotwell d. July 21, 1902 born May 29, 1902 181. Barney Winters d. March 12, 1868 aged 46-5-21 182. Elizabeth Romaine his wife d. Feb. 26, 1890 in 75th year. 183. Barney Winters b. Nov. 10, 1853 184. Anna M. Haring his wife d. April 26, 1904 aged 45 years. 185. Alexander Hafels b. April 3, 1859 d. April 12, 1906 186. August Meyers b. May 14, 1882 d. July 17, 1907 187. William P. Van Blarcom b. 1800 d. 1877 188. Cornelia Winters his wife b. 1808 d. 1870 189. John Yelley d. Sept. 25, 1884 aged 74 - 9 mos. 190. Martin R. Hennion b. June 27, 1844 d. 191. Jane M. Garrison his wife b. July 10, 1848 d. July 24, 1905 192. Mary widow of Abram A. Ackerman d. Jan. 28, 1865 aged 90- 3 mos. 193. John Ackerman b. Feb. 11, 1808 d. March 29, 1892 194. Catherine Post his wife b. Feb. 5, 1810 d. Jan. 29, 1889 195. John A. Ackerman b. Dec. 30, 1838 d. Nov. 15, 1879 196. Adele aged 13 yrs. no dates child of John A. Ackerman 197. Frank aged 10 months. 198. Susan Watson wife of E.J. Ackerman d. March 22, 1901 199. Samuel Post d. Dec. 24, 1863 aged 72-4-2. (b. 1791) 200. Margaret Alyea his wife d. Dec. 4, 1860 ae 71-7 mos. 201. Peter J. Ramsey b. October 27, 1833 202. Lavina Christie his wife b. Jan. 18, 1832 203. David P. son of the above b. Oct. 5, 1857 d. March 9, 1897 204. John R. Ryerson b. July 30, 1886 d. May 3, 1893 205. Mary Ryerson b. Oct. 18, 1888 d. May 3, 1893 206. Ethel Ryerson b. March 23, 1897 d. Aug. 5, 1898 207. A. Lincoln Ryerson b. March 1862 d. 1894 208. John Van Saun b. May 25, 1833 d. April 11, 1892 209. John M. son of Rachel and late John Van Saun b. March 31, 1869 d. June 24, 1893 210. Johney son of John and Rachel Van Saun d. Jan. 3, 1864 ae 4-3- 28 211. Elizabeth Christie widow of Nicholas C. Durie aged 54-10 no date 212. John M. Van Houten d. May 13, 1851 aged 38-7-3 213. Martin d. Sept. 24, 1841 aged 5 months child of John and Elizabeth Van Houten 214. David C. d. June 6, 1851 aged 1 child of the above 215. John J. Fox b. March 2, 1853 d. Sept. 14, 1889 216. Eliza Lozier his wife d. aged 28-4-11 days 217. James Allen b. Oct. 29, 1819 d. May 29, 1901 218. Charlotte J. McCormack his wife b. April 14, 1829 d. March 16, 1894 219. John Owen Lewis b. Oct. 27, 1867 d. May 26, 1904 **The following have been added by me. 220. Also buried with Henry B. Winter (#83) is his second wife, Catherine Bowman Underdonk, d. 5 April 1877 b. ca. 1833. 221. Hannah Maria Winter b. 1833 d. 1906 (daughter of Henry B. Winter and Jane Post) 222. Anthony Merrion b. 1851 d. 1937 (second husband of Hannah Maria Winter) 223. John A. Wyckoff is also on a list belonging to the funeral director in Oakland, NJ. (for this cemetery) He is listed in the plot where Henry B. Winter is buried and would be a first husband to Hannah Maria Winter.
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