On the Trail of Our Ancestors

Printed Genealogies of PA Dutch Families
by Donna Speer Ristenbatt

URL of this site: http://www.TrailofOurAncestors.com
Orange Beads

The following list of genealogies is not complete by any means. There are many more printed genealogies which may be found at the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society (address at the end of this list.)

As with any printed genealogy, mistakes are made, and it is always good to search original sources mentioned in the genealogy. Since the Mennonites did not believe in infant baptism, however, these printed genealogies are an invaluable source of information and a very good starting point.

  1. The BAUMAN/BOWMAN Family of the Cocalico Valley: Printers, Papermakers and Tavernkeepers by Clarence Edwin Spohn, 1994.

  2. Descendants of Valentine and Christina BECKER of Warwick Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania by George W. Andrews, 1993.

  3. BOMBERGER: Lancaster County Roots, 1722-1986 by Lloyd Huber Bomberger, 1986.

  4. A History of the Descendants of Abraham BRENEMAN, Born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, December 3, 1744, and Settled near Edom, Rockingham County, Virginia, in 1770, or soon after and a Complete Genealogical Register with Biographies of Many of His Descendants by Charles D. Breneman, 1939, 1988 Reprint.

  5. The BRENNEMAN History by Albert H. Gerberich, 1938, 1988.

  6. Record of the Ancestors & Descendants of Jacob Sherk BRUBAKER and his Brother Daniel Sherk BRUBAKER by Aden H. Brubacher, 1974.

  7. Index to History and Genealogy of the BRUBAKER-BRUBACHER-BREWBAKER Family of America, Vol. I by Phares Brubaker Gibble, 1951.

  8. Family History of Christian BURKHOLDER, 1746-1990 by Paul Z. Burkholder, 1990.

  9. A Biographical History of the EBY Family, Being a History of their Movements in Europe during the Reformation and of Their Early Settlement in America; as also Much Other Unpublished Historical Information Belonging to the Family by Ezra E. Eby, 1889, 1979 Revision.

  10. Family Record of the Descendants of Jacob EBY, 1815-1896, and Mary "Polly" BINGEMAN, 1820-1915 by Wendell B. Eby, 1992.

  11. Descendants of David ERB by Henry L. Erb, 1990.

  12. The Descendants of Christian S. and Anna GARBER of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania by Allan A. Garber, 1985.

  13. The Descendants of Henry GIBBEL by Ira W. Gibbel, 1995.

  14. Descendants of Jacob GOOD by Rufus E. Good, 1987.

  15. Chart: Hans GRAF, Born in Switzerland A.D. 1661, Settled in America A.D. 1695 by G.F. Groff and Emerson Stauffer, 1932, 1979 Reprint.

  16. The GROFF Book by Clyde L. Groff, Walter B. Groff and Jane E. Best, Vol. I, 1985.

  17. Genealogical Record of Reverend Hans HERR and His Direct Lineal Descendants from His Birth A.D. 1639 to the Present Time Containing the Names, Etc., of 13,223 Persons... with Corrections and Supplemental Data by Theodore W. Herr and Phillip E. Bedient, 3rd edition, 1994. (Originally published in 1908.)

  18. HERSHEY Family History by Henry Hershey, 1929, 1989 reprint.

  19. The Descendants of Ira Leaman HERSHEY and Sarah Kreider HERSHEY by G. Ruth Clark, Nora Lefever, Katherine Hershey and Kathy Hershey, 1991.

  20. Descendants of John Brackbill HERSHEY and Anna Margaret Eby HERSHEY by G. Ruth Hershey Clark, 1993.

  21. The Descendants of John Eby HERSHEY and Anna Mellinger HERSHEY edited by Noah L. Hershey, 1989.

  22. The HERTZLER-HARTZLER Family History by Silas Hertzler, 1952, 1989 Reprint.

  23. Descendents [sic] of John HESS, 1809-1888: A HESS Genealogy Through Pioneer Hans HESS, Dedicated to the Memory of Magdalena, Wife of Hans HESS Who with her Husband Crossed the Ocean in 1717 with Six Small Children and was Enabled to Raise Eleven Children in Their Wilderness Home... Fruitful Vine by James H. Hess, Samuel H. Stoner, Barbara A. and Mary W. Hess.

  24. History of the John HIGH Family of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1754-1977 by Levi High, 1977.

  25. Descendants of Jacob HOCHSTETLER, the Immigrant of 1736 by Harvey Hostetler, 1912, 1977 Reprint.

  26. History and Genealogy of Jacob M. HORST (1828-1895) and Magdalena WEAVER (1832-1900); European History and Immigrations by Carolyn Horst Brubaker and Clarke E. Hess.

  27. HOSTETTER Family: Descendants of Jacob and Anna HOSTETTER of Engleside, Lancaster City, PA, the Immigrants of 1712 and Descendants of Oswald and Maria HOSTETTER of Warwick Twp., Lancaster City, PA, the Immigrants of 1732 by Richard L. Hostetter and David J. Bachman, 1984.

  28. The HUBER-HOOVER Family History: A Biographical and Genealogical History of the Descendants of Hans HUBER from the Time of his Arrival in Pennsylvania down to the Eleventh Generation by Harry M. Hoover, 1928, 1992 Reprint.

  29. Christian KAUFFMAN: His Descendants and His People by Stanley Duane Kauffman, 1980.

  30. Pennsylvania Roots and Spreading Branches: 1721-1980, History of the KELLER-LECKENTON-PAGE (BARGE) Families which originated in Lancaster County and Environs, by Susan O. Hewitt Pierson, 1980. (Frederick KELLER was born in Lancaster County in 1757.)

  31. KING Family History, Vol. I-II by Harold H. Hartzler, 1984.

  32. Genealogical History of the KOLB, KULP or CULP Family and its Branches in America with Biographical Sketches of Their Descendants from the Earliest Available Records from 1707 to the Present Time, Including Dielman KOLB in Germany by Daniel Kolb Cassel, 1895, 1990 Reprint.

  33. The KRATZ Family History: A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of John Valentine KRATZ with Brief Historical and Biographical Sketches by Herbert E. Kratz, 1982. (Includes 1985 Supplement)

  34. LANDIS-LANDES Family Descendants of Jacob LANDES, Who Settled in Franconia Township and Died in 1749 by Henry S. Landis.

  35. Pennsylvania LEFEVRES by George Newton LeFevre and Franklin D. LeFevre, 1979.

  36. LEHMAN Families of Langnau, Switzerland by David L. Habegger, 1994.

  37. The Ancestors and Descendants of Amos W. MARTIN and Elizabeth H. MARTIN by Elizabeth S. Martin and Raymond S. Martin, 1992.

  38. Daniel W. MARTIN Family History: Ancestors and Descendants, 1691-1974 by Irene L. Martin, 1974.

  39. Brief History of Bishop Jacob MAST and Other MAST Pioneers and a Complete Genealogical Family Register and Those Related by Inter-Marriage by C. Z. Mast, 1911, 1989 Reprint.

  40. MOSEMANN Family Directory: The Descendants of Jacob and Magdalena Frey MOSEMANN by John H. Mosemann and Ruth H. Mosemann, 1987.

  41. MYERS Family History, 1717-1989 by Clara W. Martin and Clara M. Martin, 1989.

  42. MYERS History: Some Descendants of Hans Meier of Pequea, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania by Dorothy M.K. Adams, 1987.

  43. MYLIN (Family History) by Doris E. Mylin Biechler, 1988.

  44. NEFF Families and Their Descendants in the 1700's and Early 1800's by John F. Murray, 1991.

  45. The NEFF-NAEF Family: A History of the Descendants of Henry NEFF, Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Who Immigrated from his Native Switzerland to the Colony of Pennsylvania, Settling at Penn's Conestoga Manor, Chester (Lancaster) County by William A. Neff, 1991.

  46. NOLT's Family History, 1771-1969 Containing Over 3700 Families, Compiled by Enos N. Zimmerman, Distributed by Ivan A. Nolt, Ephrata, PA, 1970.

  47. The OBERHOLTZER Book: A Foundation Book of Oberholtzer Immigrants and Unestablished Lines by Barbara Ford, 1995.

  48. Descendants and History of Georg PETERSHEIM Family, 1979.

  49. REIFF Family History, 1735-1982: Family Names of Nine Generations, Approximately 247 Years by Eli E. Reiff Jr. and Amos H. Reiff, 1982.

  50. The RISSER Family: Our Heritage, 1739-1985 by Phares S. Risser, 1985.

  51. Record of Descendants of Reuben Burkholder SENSENING and Lydia Sensensing WEBER by Daniel S. Sensening, 1979.

  52. Christian Strickler SHERK: His Ancestry and Descendants by Morris N. Sherk, 1994.

  53. The SHERK Family by Thomas A. Sherk (Descendants of Ulrich Sherk, Immigrant of 1752), 1982.

  54. Descendents [sic] of David Renno SMOKER and Lydia Stolzfus SMOKER, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, by Jane Louise S. Davidson, 1978.

  55. A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Henry STAUFFER and Other STAUFFER Pioneers Together with Historical and Biographical Sketches and Illustrated with Portraits and Other Illustrations by A.J. Fretz, 1899, 1993 Reprint.

  56. STAUFFER Families of Switzerland, Germany, and America (Including STOUFFER and STOVER) by Richard Warren Davis, 1992.

  57. WAGNER Branch of the GOTTSHALL Family by Athena R. Johnson Bogart, 1980.

  58. The WANNERS: An Early Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Mennonite Family by Irma Hess Stoltzfus, 1992.

  59. WEBER or WEAVER Family History by Ezra N. Stauffer, 1926, 1995 Reprint.

  60. Henry B. WEAVER's Descendants by Elizabeth W. Shirk, Eva G. Weaver, and Mary M. Weaver, 1981.

  61. The WENGER Book: A Foundation Book of American WENGERS, Including Variant Spellings, such as WINGER, WANGER, WHANGER, WEGNER, WENGERT, WENGERD, WINGART, WINGARD, WINGERT, WANGERD, WENGAR, WENCKER, and Names Spelled with "V" rather than "W". (Descendants of Christian WENGER, immigrant of 1727 - primarily) edited by Samuel S. Wenger, Earle K. Wenger Sr. and Helen I. Wenger, 1978.

  62. The YODER Book by Mary Lois Yoder, 1981.

  63. A Branch of the ZIMMERMAN Offspring of Glause Zimmerman in Europe and his Children Who Came from Europe. Records of 12 Generations, Records of Births of over 325 Years, over 12,000 Families by Ezra and Maria Zimmerman and Ervin M. Zimmerman, 1988.

  64. ZUG/ZUCK/ZOUCK/ZOOK Genealogy by Harry D. Zook, 428.

  65. The Three ZUG (ZOOK) Brothers of 1742 and Their Male Descendants until 1850: Also the 1768 Amish Almsbook by Paul V. Hostetler, 1982.

NOTE: All of the above books may be obtained at the:

Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society
2215 Millstream Road
Lancaster, PA 17602-1499
Phone: (717) 393-9745

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