On the Trail of Our Ancestors

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Early Mennonite Churches
Lancaster County, PA
in the 18th Century
Orange Beads

The following are Mennonite Churches formed in Lancaster County in the 18th Century, listed with their year or approximate year of formation. They are listed in order of formation.

Willow Street (Herr & Brick) Church, West Lampeter Twp.        1719
Hershey's Church, Lancaster Twp. (no longer exists)    ca.1730-1791
Strasburg Church, Strasburg Twp.                               1740
Byerland Church, Pequea Twp.                                ca.1747
Landisville Church, East Hempfield Twp.                        1752
Groffdale Church, West Earl Twp.                               1755
New Danville (Stone) Church, Pequea Twp.                       1755
Millersville Church, Millersville Borough                      1757
Habecker Church, Manor Twp.                                 ca.1760
Masonville (Bachman & Herr) Church, Manor Twp.              ca.1760
Risser Church, Mount Joy Twp.                                  1760
Hernley (Lehman) Church, Rapho Twp.                            1766
Weaverland Church, East Earl Twp.                              1766
New Providence (Black Horse) Church, Providence Twp.           1766
Mellinger Church, East Lampeter Twp.                           1767
Rivercorner (Eshelman & Miller) Church, Conestoga Twp.      ca.1774
Chestnut Hill Church, West Hempfield Twp.                      1790
Rohrestown (Brubaker) Church, East Hempfield Twp.              1791
Bowmansville Church, Brecknock Twp.                            1794
Erb Church, Penn. Twp.                                         1794
Erisman Church, Rapho Twp.                                     1798

Source: Taken from Churches and Cemeteries of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, A Complete Guide, by A. Hunter Rineer, Jr.

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