Answers to PA Dutch Quiz
by Donna Speer Ristenbatt
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Here are the answers to the Pennsylvania Dutch Quiz:
- turn off the light
- to vomit
- dough fried in lard. In Lancaster County, PA, it is typically
Fasnacht Day the day before Ash Wednesday, when one may "pig
out" on donuts.
- to wiggle (kids do this)
- go a short distance
- tadpole
- slippery
- pony
- bread with butter (taken from the PA Dutch, "butterbrot")
- cry baby
- to lick
- sweets
- to overeat
- dragonfly
- I wonder
- You'd better do that.
- a kiss
- disheveled
- This is clean-up day
- I need to jump-start my car.
- white lumpy cheese
- It's all gone.
- clumsy
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