On the Trail of Our Ancestors

URL of this site: http://www.TrailofOurAncestors.com
First Naturalization List
In Lancaster County
(Some Men From Philadelphia County)

Orange Beads

NOTE: The following list includes those who became citizens in 1729. You will note some strange spellings for the names of your ancestors. Those which are linked are direct line ancestors of my husband, and will take you to the database of On the Trail of Our Ancestors.

An Act For the Better Enabling Divers Inhabitants Of The Province of Pennsylvania to Hold Lands, And to Invest Them With The Privileges Of Natural-Born Subjects Of the Said Province.

Whereas by the encouragement given by the Honorable William Penn Esquire, late proprietary and governor of the province of Pennsylvania, and by the permission of his late Majesty, King George the First, of blessed memory and his predecessor, Kings and Queens of England, etc., divers Protestants who were subjects to the Emperor of Germany, a prince in amity with the Crown of Great Britain, transported themselves and estates in the province of Pennsylvania between the years one thousand seven hundred and one thousand seven hundred and eighteen, and since they came hither have contributed very much to the enlargement of the British Empire and to raising and improving sundry commodites fit for the markets of Europe, and always behaved themselves religiously and peaceably, and have paid a due regard and obedience to laws and government of this province....

Section I - Be it enacted by the Honorable Patrick Gordon Esquire, Governor of the province of Pennsylvania, etc., by and with the advice of the freeman of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the authority of the same, That

Martin Mylin, Hans Graaf, Christian Stoneman, Jacob Funk, Francis Neiff, Francis Neiff, Junior; George Kindick, John Burkholder, John Burkholder, Junior; Abraham Burkholder, Michael Bohman, John Hess, John Frederick, Christopher Preniman, Martin Harnist, Joseph Buckwalter, **Felix Landas, Junior, Adam Preniman, John Funk, John Bohman, John Taylor, Henry Neiff, Michael Mire, Henry Bare, Peter Bumgarner, Melcor Hufford, Mercor Erisnman, John Brubaker, Jacob Nisley, Jacob Snevely, Jacob Goot, John Woolslegle, Jacob Mire, Christopher Sowers, Joseph Stoneman, Daniel Ashleman, Christian Peelman, John Henry Neiff, John Henry Neiff, Junior; Abraham Hare, John Ferie, Jacob Biere, Peter Yordea, Peter Leamon, John Jacob Snevely, Isaac Coffman, Andrew Coffman, Woolrick Rodte, Henry Funk, Roody Mire, John Mylin, Jacob Bheme, John Coffman, Michael Doneder, Charles Christopher, Andres Shults, John Howser, Christian Preniman, Jacob Miller, black; Henry Carpenter, Emanuel Carpenter, Gabriel Carpenter, Daniel Herman, Christian Herman, Philip Fiere, Mathias Slaremaker, big John Shank, Jacob Churts, Jacob Snevely, Junior; John Woolrick Houver, John Croyder, John Leeghte, John Hampher, Martyn Graaf, Peter Smith, Peter Newcomat, Jacob Bare, Junior; John Henry Bare, ** Jacob Weaver, Henry Weaver, **John Weaver, David Longanickar, **George Weaver, Abraham Mire, Woolrick Houser, John Mire, Henry Musselman, Michael Shank, Jacob Miller, Jacob Miller, Junior; Martin Miller, Peter Aybe, Hans Goot, Christian Staner, John Jacob Light, Adam Brand, Christopher Franciscus, Caspar Loughman, Frederick Stay, John Line, John Shwope, Bastian Royer, Jonas Leroy, Simeon King, John Aybe, Everard Ream, [all of Lancaster County] and John Negley, Bernard Reesor, John Wistar, John Frederick Ax, John Philip Bohm, Anthony Yerkhas and Herman Yerkhas [of Philadelphia County],

be and shall be to all intents and purposes deemed, taken and esteemed His Majesty's natural-born subjects of this province of Pennsylvania as if they and each of them had born within the said province, and shall and may and every one of them shall and may within this province, and shall and may and every one of them shall and may within this province take, receive, enjoy and be entitled to all rights, privileges and advantages of natural born subjects of this province as fully to all intents, constructions and purposes whatsoever as any of His majesty's natural born subjects of this province can, do or ought to enjoy by virtues of their being His Majesty's natural born subjects of His Majesty's said province of Pennsylvania.

[Passed February 14, 1729. Apparently never considered by the Crown but allowed to become law by lapse of time, in accordance with the Proprietary Charter.]

**NOTES: (my own)

Source: Colonial Records III, 374, 393; Pennsylvania Archives Series VIII III: 1985, 1986; The Statutes of Large of Pennsylvania IV, 147-150; H. Frank Eshleman, Historical Backgrounds and Annals 1917, pp. 232, 233.

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