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German Pioneers to Pennsylvania
Passenger Ships' Lists
Includes People from the Palatine

Orange Beads


[List 14 A] A List of Passengers, Names on board the Ship Samuel, Hugh Percy, Commander, from Rotterdam. Arrived August ye 16th Anno 1731.

Men's Names of 16 Years of Age & Upwards

Fredk. Babemeyer                     Ludewig Faun
George Crisner                       Joest Wenst
John Fisher                          Christopher Rink
Michiel Clime                        Conrad Muller
Engelberd Shroud                     Ludwig Goodbrod
Henry Knop                           Christopher Ritter
Phillip Knop                         George Tehald Madinger
Casper Haulhausen                    George Bender
Conrad Kerdt                         Johanis Diderik
Jacob Groust                         George Loreman
Jacob Scheive                        Phillip Vogel
Joan[sic] Hendrick Hermel            Andries Erlewyn
Johanis Milburger                    Hans Retter
Ludwig Heck                          Christopher Bour
Ludwig Sourmilg                      Johanis Kauns
Johanis Phingler                     Hans Adam Wartman
Johan George Kaugh                   Jurgeck Hendricks 
Barent Tysen                         George Wenst 
George Loreman                       Hans George Fleger 
Johanis Midsker

Women's Names of 16 Years of Age & Upwards

Barbary Loreman                      Eve Bender
Catrena Vogell                       Ann Erlewyn
Mary Ritter                          Eve Fleger
Easter Milburger                     Barbary Goodbrod
Mary Smithing                        Ann Crisner
Ann Fisher                           Barbary Melburger
Susean Clime                         Hannah Shroud
Katrena Knop                         Ann Knop
Dorothy Breling                      Barbary Oven
Elizabeth Babemeyer                  Ann Sourmilg
Barbary Hans                         Ann Wenst
Motley Muller                        Ann Diderick
Elizabeth Wartman                    Magreta Madinger
Elizabeth Merdinger                  Magreta Camping
Barbary Fredrakin                    Elizabeth Hofmining
Mary Heck                            Elizabeth Loreman
Elizabeth Loreman (not an error)

Names of the Children

Mertin Crisner                       Elizabeth Crisner
Barbary Crisner                      Fleny Fisher
Elizabeth Clime                      John Shroud
George Knop                          Peter Knop
Menea Knop                           Mary Sourmilg
Catrena Sourmilg                     Neals Sourmilg
George Hans                          Michiel Hans
Hanis Hans                           Charlis Muller
Elizabeth Muller                     John Dedarick
Abraham Wartman                      Mary Wartman
Jacob Hofmining                      Katrena Hofmining
Elizabeth Heck                       Katrena Loreman
Mary Loreman                         Paser Vogell
Crates Ritter                        Motley Ritter
Hans Ritter                          Mary Fleager
Katrena Fleager                      George Goodbroad
Hendrick Mulberger                   Anthony Smithing
John Mealbury                        [Total] 107.
Gorge Goodbrod                       A True List
Ann Mealbury                         Hugh Percy, Master

August 17th 1731 Present: His Honorable ye Lt. Govr., S. Hasel, Esqr., Thos. Griffits, Esqr., Mayor.

Oath was made to the foregoing List by Hugh Percy, Master of the Ship Samuel. Robt. Charles, Cl. Com.

"At the Courthouse of Philadelphia, August 17th, 1731,..... A List was presented of the Names of Thirty nine Palatines, who with their Families, making in all One hundred & seven Persons, were imported here in the Ship Samuel, Hugh Peircy, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes, as by Clearance from that Port." From Minutes of the Provincial Council, printed in Colonial Records, Vol. III, p. 410.

[List 14 B] Palatines imported in the Ship Samuel, Hugh Percy, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes in Great Britain. Qualified August 17th 1731.

Johann Görg Kirschner                Lodw. (X) Goodbrood
John (+) Fisher                      Christ. (O) Ritter
Johann Michael Gleim                 Geo. Sebald (O) Madinger
Engelberd Schraidt                   Hans Gorg Bender
Johan Henrich Knopp                  Johannes Diterichs
Villips Knopp                        Hans Jerg Lohrman
Caspar Holtzhausen                   Filibs Friedrich Vogel
Conratt Eckert                       Andreas (X) Erlewyn
Johann Jacob Krauss                  Johannes Milbürger
Johann Jacob Scheibe                 Hans Ritter
Johan [Hen]rich Hammel               Lodwick (H) Heck
Friedrich (X) Babemeyer              Johann Christoffel Bauer
Ludwig Han                           Luswig Sauermilch
Johannes Metzger                     Johann Kuntz
Joest (X) Wenst                      Johannes Spengler
Christ (+) Rink                      Hans Adam Warthmann
Conrad Möller                        Johan Georg Koch
Jürgen Hendrich                      Hanns Jerg Lohrman
Barent (X) Tisen                     Hans Georg Pflueger
Jörg Balser Wentz

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