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Revolutionary War
Oath of Allegiance in Lebanon Twp.
Lancaster County, PA, 1777
by Donna Speer Ristenbatt

Orange Beads

Oath of Allegiance, Lebanon Twp., Lancaster County, PA

NOTE: Lebanon Twp. is now part of Lebanon County, PA.

Lebanon Sept. 27, 1777, Lancaster County SS: I the subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace for the county aforesaid do hereby, certify that the following is a true list of the names and surnames of such persons as have taken and subscribed the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance and Fidelity before me as directed by an act of assembly of Pennsylvania passed the thirteenth day of June last viz: (This is List L391B (2) in Mayhill Source below.)

Name of Man Name of Man Name of Man
Philip MarshellerGeorge GruppenseyHenry Slotterback
Curtis GrubbJacob ShaffnerChristopher Seop
Philip GreenewaltAbraham WeidmanFrancis Baylor
Daniel OldenoruchJohn Paul KurtzYost Werning
Robert PattonHenry RynaelChristian Ginter
David Shaffer Jr.Christopher SlosserCasper Mies
Andrew KrauseGodlieb FrelighHenry Myers
Phlip WeiserMartin YenselPhilip Deboy
David KrauseHenry YengestChristian Swetizer
Christopher KucherJohn BrennerDavid Allen
Jacob BeckleyCasper SnevelyHugh Lusk
Peter HarderJacob GermanJohn Campbell
George StrowGeorge Michael WeissMartin Krebbs
William StoyJohn RewaltJohn Coll/Cumberland Co.
John PattonJohn Philip HuberHugh Cochran
John PalmNicholas WyrighWilliam Strain
John ParkCasper LeopStephen Singel
John Martin Sr.Jacob EmbighJacob Switzer
Alexander FosterChristr. Embigh Jr.Charles Shally
James StewartHenry SnevelyPhilip Foust
Casper YostLudowick CornmanBenjamin McKensie
Nicholas EnsmingerJohn SlosserLudowick Zehring
Valentine FawberChristian BeckJacob Gruehauff
Rienhart YoungJacob WollandeFrancis Orth
Wm. PaineJohn BlecherAdam Haverling
Christopher EmbighJohn Philip BeckHenry Filgar
Alexander Martin Paulus TussingJames Sullivan
Henry RawdenJohn MooreJohn Young
Christian GasserPhilip GloningerAbraham Roland
Jacob BickelJohn McElwrathHenry Eckhard
Henry Fortney

SOURCE: Lancaster County Pennsylvania Deed Abstracts & Revolutionary War Oaths of Allegiance, Revised and Enlarged Edition, Deed Books A through M; 1729 through c1770 with adjoining Landowners & Witnesses; compiled by R. Thomas Mayhill; The Bookmark Publishers; 1965. Note: The original source for the Oaths of Allegiance is Lancaster County Deed Book L.

Orange Beads

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