Pennsylvania Dutch Quiz
by Donna Speer Ristenbatt
URL of this site:
http://www.TrailofOurAncestors.com BR>
Even though many of the Mennonites who came to Lancaster County, PA
were of Swiss origin, they had lived for awhile in the Palatinate.
As a result, they picked up the language of southern Germany, and
also much of the culture of this region. Numerous expressions may
be heard in Lancaster County that reflect this "Pennsylvania
Dutch", as it has come to be known. These expressions, while not
as frequent as in years past, still may be heard.
Perhaps you would like to see if you can figure some of them out.
- outen the light
- kotz
- fasnacht
- rutsch around
- go a piece
- mulli
- slippy
- hutsch
- butter bread
- brutz baby
- schleck
- gedunk
- fress
- snake guarder
- it wonders me
- you better would
- schmutz
- stroobly
- This is redd-up day
- I need jumped
- smear case
- It's all
- schushlich
Go here for the answers.
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