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South Lebanon Twp., Lebanon County, PA

Orange Beads

NOTE: This very small cemetery has not been transcribed according to the Lebanon County Historical Society. While unable to give the exact wording on each of the fifteen stones, I am at least able to give a listing of those buried there, some with dates. The old Grubben Kirche or Grubbeland Church, as it was called, only lasted a few years. Land for this church was deeded in 1755 and two years later a church was built for the use of the Reformed and Lutheran congregations. By 1768, the church was abandoned and in dilapidated condition. I obtained some of the names found in this cemetery from an article entitled "Early And Historic Churches in Lebanon Valley Prior to 1800", Part I, paper read before the Lebanon County Historical Society, May 8, 1936, by Charles D. Weirick, Esq. sec./libr. of Society, Vol. XI, No. 1, pgs. 32-34. A special thank you goes to Ron Fernsler for sharing this article with me and for helping me to learn more about the FERNSLER family.

The picture of this cemetery, now a farm field, as one can see, was taken in February, 1995. The tombstones are piled up against the two stone walls, with the farm field inbetween. In 1995 the stones were in poor condition. Thankfully in 1931, a Mr. Ed H. Uhler noted some of the people with dates, mentioned in the article above. He is also a descendant of Johan Jacob ROHLAND, as is my husband. For more information on the FERNSLER family buried in this cemetery, be sure to visit Ron Fernsler's page at: Fernsler Family of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania or write to him at: fernslerr@geocities.com


Grubbeland Cemetery: To get to this cemetery in South Lebanon Twp., Lebanon County, PA, take Rt. 422 East to Rt. 897 South. Turn right onto Fonderwhite Rd. and proceed down the lane on the right. It is located on the first farm on the right. The cemetery is by the remains of the stone wall to the left of the lane before the barn. In 1995 the tombstones were against the stone walls, some in pieces and broken. A number of my husband's direct line ROHLAND ancestors are buried here.

Orange Beads

  1. Johan Jacob Rohland Born July 23, 1759. Died August 16, 1841.

  2. Christina (FERNSLER), wife of Johan Jacob Rohland Born Born February 14, 1773. Died May 29, 1849, Aged 76 yrs., 3 months, 15 days.
    NOTE: Only recently has Christina's surname been discovered, thanks to a Revolutionary War Pension application. She is the daughter of Johann Philip Fernsler and Anna Christina Stoever and sister to Frederic Fernsler, also buried here.

    NOTE: The above mentioned article read before the Lebanon County Historical Society states that 8 other family members (in the family of Johan Jacob Rohland and Christina Fernsler) were found in this section of the cemetery. I can only account for 5 more, probably due to the poor condition of the stones in 1995. According to research done by Ron Fernsler, Johann Philip Fernsler (1734-1808) is also buried in this cemetery. He would be the father of Frederic Fernsler, buried here, and the husband of Anna Christina Stoever (1740-bef. 1795). Anna Christina Stoever was the daughter of the well known pastor, Johann Casper STOEVER Jr.

  3. Michael Rohland, Born June 10, 1810. Died July 16, 1892. (son of Johan Jacob and Christina)

  4. Elisabeth (HOLLINGER), wife of Michael Rohland, Born May 14, 1816. Died January 22, 1874.

  5. Anna Maria Spangler, wife of Jacob Spanlger. Born June 29, 1808. Died July 15, 1880. (sister of Michael Rohland. She was known by the name Mary, while living. She married 17 March 1854 at Tabor Reformed Church, Lebanon, PA.

  6. Christina, daughter of Michael Rohland, and Elisabeth Hollinger, Died April 21, 1849, Aged 2 years.

  7. Henry Alfred Rohland Infant Son of John Jacob Rohland and Mary Ann Killian Born January 12, 1866. Died March 1, 1866. (The John Jacob Rohland mentioned here is the son of Michael Rohland and Elisabeth Hollinger.)

  8. (Johan) Frederick Fernsler, Born February 9, 1765. Died August 27, 1842.

  9. Margareta, wife of Frederick Fernsler, Born 1774. Died 1841.

  10. Children of Frederick and Margaretha. (Article mentioned above "Early and Historic Churches in Lebanon Valley Prior to 1800" states that family of Frederick Fernsler is buried here.)

  11. Peter Ruhl, Born 1782.

  12. Wife of Peter Ruhl, Born 1787.

  13. Levi Fitterer, Born 1847 and Died ? (From same article mentioned above. This Levi FITTERER was the son of Johannes and Elizabeth FITTERER.)

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